Speed for the Speed God

less than 1 minute read

Alice was getting a couple of dogs and a cup of coffee in an all night Coney when she saw the trouble come in.

Jimmy was getting a coffee to calm his nerves after he’d just boosted a ‘69 Trans Am convertible for Shelby, the God of Speed, from the private showroom of Rodney Strange, leader of an apostate speed cult. The trouble that came through the door: six followers of Strange, wanting their sacred relic back.

The Good

The car was successfully recovered, after a high speed chase involving three mustangs to resanctify the vehicle. With the help of Dagmar, the car was delivered to Shelby’s garage in Allen Park.

The Ugly

When Jimmy dropped Alice off to retrieve her truck, it was surrounded by police, and a man was pinned to this hood with a very long knife. Jimmy drove her away to find a safe place to spend the night.


15 points earned by both Alice and Jimmie.
