Syd Winters

Syd was addicted to heroin and coerced into prostitution by her “boyfriend.” She managed to get away, but has struggled to stay clean. Then she met Drennozeth in the City Club.

Syd Winters

He tells her that he is a type of addiction counselor. He doesn’t have an office, he makes house calls. He wants to see her in her home to see how she’s doing. He’ll help her stay clean, but in exchange he needs to tell her about the struggles of her recovery, and how she’s addressing her past life.

Unknown to Syd, it’s Drennozeth’s power that is keeping her clean. It also fuels rages that cause her to go on bloody rampages against the people who she feels hurt her. As she goes on she has less control and it takes less to trigger a rage.

Motivation: Revenge against those who wronged her, both actually and just in her mind.

How Is It Motivating Now: She’ll start with her pimp, and work her way through some memorable johns, and then some imaginary ones.

What Did She Get For Her Soul: She has very high strength, Hard to Kill, High Pain Tolerance and Combat Reflexes. She’s also got a couple of switch blades and a proclevity for using ice picks in particularly uncomfortable places.